Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Keeping busy

How do you stay busy after you've finished your mind-blowing, gonna-take-the-world-by-storm, epic novel? I try to stay busy so I don't get slammed with that feeling. You know, THAT feeling. The one that makes you feel like you no longer have a purpose in life because you don't go running to your computer every morning, tip-tapping away, sometimes even through lunch, until it's time to call it a day and start getting dinner on the table.

Do you start a new project? Write another book? Take a break from writing altogether and open up a crouton business? (True story: I make AWESOME croutons and went as far as to design a logo for my brand.)

I'm fortunate enough to pursue writing full-time (thanks, Dan!), so maybe this is a stupid question, but even if you work all day, what do you do in the time you used to set aside for your book?

Me? I started a blog. 

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